In this installment of "I'm Obsessed with Alison Roman," I give you her fabulous fowl recipe for paprika-rubbed chicken with lemon, and hot damn is it good! This recipe features bold flavors, juicy chicken, and is sure to please any crowd.
Much like Roman's other chicken recipes in her books, the methods and flavors used in this can be varied and used over and over again. Also like most of her recipes, the presentation is stunning! While the below picture isn't my final product, it is undeniably irresistible-looking (I'd also imagine a Modelo pairs quite well -- or any light beer!).
1 whole chicken, spatchcocked
2 tablespoons fennel seed
1 tablespoon hot paprika; alternatively: 1 tbsp. paprika and 2 sliced red chiles OR 1/4 tsp. cayenne
1 tbsp. kosher salt
2 tsp. smoked paprika
1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper
2 garlic cloves, finely grated
1/4 olive oil
2 lemons, quartered
FIRST: Preheat oven to 325 degrees and spatchcock chicken, if you haven't already. Drizzle two tablespoons of olive oil onto the baking sheet or skillet you will use to cook the bird. Pat chicken dry with paper towels. Place chicken, breast side up, on a rimmed baking sheet or in a 12-inch ovenproof skillet.
MEANWHILE: Dice fennel bulb and quarter lemons, if not done already. Mix spices with three tablespoons of olive oil and salt and pepper in a small bowl until a paste forms. This is your spice mixture.
THEN: Rub spice mixture all over the chicken. Rub any leftover spice mixture onto lemon quarters. Scatter lemons around the chicken. NOTE: I prefer to try and tuck them very close against the body of the bird, and sometimes even add a quartered onion to the mix!
FINALLY: Pop that sucker in the oven! Cook for around 2 hours, or until the internal thermometer registers above 165 degrees at the breast, and the lemons are jammy. Remove from oven, rest 15 minutes, and serve the chicken with the lemon wedges and let people mix at their leisure.